More back to the original question or idea I was trying to explain...... A chameleon for example, it's ability to camoflauge and look almost identical to where it's standing, and to get even more specific depending on the type of predator in the area, evolution absolutely does not make sense and explain that.
Actually evolution explains pretty much all of that, does it not? Survival of the fittest? To the cellular level an organism will fight to survive Mate.
For example....anpostal worker falls in a hole and the persons body is afdected and develops fibro myalgia....a flight or flight response is set in ace and reacts to certain stimuli...has the himan body always responded like this? Does EVERY hman respind this way? No.
please clarify about what you hope to accomplish with you chamelion stuff because to me its a disguise which the chameliion adapted to safeguard itself which changed itself (evolved) to a genetc level to survive.